Industry Profile of Sycor Technologies

Industry Profile of Sycor Technologies

Sycor Technologies, which manufacturers and distributes cable, cable management products, harnesses, tubing and wire, was founded in 1981, and it is based out of a 40,000-square-foot warehouse in Mississauga, Ontario. Although it has clients spread across Canada, its reach is much wider than the Great White North as its clientele is worldwide. Sycor’s customers are also from a variety of fields, ranging from utility and water treatment systems to gaming and from solar energy to broadcast and entertainment.

Custom Cable Design

Sycor is also a custom cable manufacturer and supplier. It’s understandable that some companies have needs that are specific enough that cables that are already in Sycor’s vast inventory might not meet them, and those at Sycor work with them to create custom ones that do. This is done with high-quality materials and is manufactured with up-to-date equipment.

Shipping Options

Those who purchase the cables and related products that Sycor manufactures and supplies can choose from a number of delivery and payment options. One that many select is the 12-month blanket purchase order so that their annual requirements are taken care of. Benefits of doing so include being able to keep their cables stored at Sycor until they are needed and a guarantee that the costs of their products will remain fixed throughout the agreed-upon term.