A Guide to Techniques for Regaining Emotional Balance

Many of us have difficulty dealing with stress and maintaining emotional balance. As a result, we may become overwhelmed, mentally paralyzed, or emotionally unstable. This is why it’s important to know how to get balanced emotions—especially in high-risk situations such as the ones we often encounter at work.

What are some of the symptoms of emotional imbalance?

There are several symptoms associated with having an emotionally unstable temperament:

1) Having difficulty concentrating on one task

2) Having difficulty listening to others

3) Seeking constant validation and reassurance from other people (this is especially common among those with low self-esteem)

4) Becoming overly sensitive or irritable after receiving criticism or hearing bad news

5) Feeling overly confident, even in circumstances where this level of confidence is generally unwarranted

6) Doubting one’s abilities or worth as a person (also known as pathological self-doubt)

7) Overreacting to minor issues, especially if this occurs frequently

8) Feeling overwhelmed by anxiety and stress after even minor challenges or setbacks

9) Having difficulty moving on from the past (this is especially common among those with unresolved childhood issues)

10) Having negative thoughts about the future (i.e., “everything will go wrong”)

What are some strategies for regaining emotional balance?

1 Acknowledge your emotions: Understanding your emotions is the first step to regaining emotional balance. If you are overwhelmed, it’s important to acknowledge this fact. Don’t be ashamed of feeling overwhelmed—it happens to everyone on certain occasions. Instead, tell yourself that it is okay for you to feel upset.

2 Step away from the situation: Once you have acknowledged your feelings, you need to step back from the situation. This may mean leaving your office or workspace for a few minutes. If possible, go outside and enjoy some fresh air—this will help you feel better.

3 Examine the cause of your emotions: Next, try to determine the source of your emotional imbalance. Why are you feeling overwhelmed? For example, are you stressed about work, troubled by personal issues, or unhappy with recent developments in your life?

4 Determine what is causing these emotions: After pinpointing what is causing you to be upset, you need to determine if the issue is solvable. If it is, spend a few minutes figuring out how to solve it. For example, if your problem at work stems from taking on too many projects that have started to take a toll on you, perhaps you can ask for help from a team member or friend.

5 Talk to someone: If the cause of your emotional imbalance cannot be solved, then you should talk to someone about it. This may mean having a conversation with family members or friends, or it could involve speaking with a therapist or counselor.

6 Meditate: Finally, if necessary, spend some time meditating to restore your mental balance—focus on your breathing, clear your mind, and release all thoughts.

In conclusion

Controlling your emotions is key to maintaining mental balance, which is why it’s important to know the root causes of your negative feelings. Sometimes our problems are solvable, while other times, they’re not. In any case, the first step toward solving your problem is acknowledging how you are feeling. Once you have acknowledged your feelings, take some time to reflect on the situation. Then you can make a rational decision about what you can do to resolve your problems.