Learn How To Set-Up تطبيقليدجرنانواكس

The world of cryptocurrencies is exposed to malware attacks and fraud. As a result, the owners of the crypto assets are always trying to find a platform where they can store their cryptocurrencies safely. تطبيقليدجرنانواكس provides its users with a very reliable platform where they can save and maintain their crypto assets. 

Setting the تطبيقليدجرنانواكس

Take the below mentioned steps to set-up تطبيقليدجرنانواكس


Install the Ledger Live software on your device to set up تطبيقليدجرنانواكس. You can install the software on your desktop from the official site, and you can set up the same on your mobile phones from Google Play or Apple store. After downloading the app, you can add the account you will use to manage your crypto assets. 


The next step is to set up the new device that you have received. Press and hold the button that is adjacent to the USB port, until the Ledger Logo is displayed. After which on-screen instructions would be presented that you need to read. You can use the left button to return and right button to proceed further. When ‘Set up as a new device’ message is displayed on the screen, you need both the buttons concurrently. 


Press both the buttons simultaneously, unless ‘Chose Pin code’ message is displayed on the screen. Enter a code of 4 to 8 digits and press left and right buttons concurrently, to validate it. Press “”, when you have entered your desired code. It will ask you to renter the pin for confirmation. 


In the next step, you need to set a 24 words recovery phrase. Setting the 24 words recovery phrase is the most important step, so make sure that you write it down carefully. Start with pressing both the buttons and when you see word#1, enter the first word of your recovery phrase, then press the right button to enter word#2. Follow the same procedure unless you enter the 24 words of recovery phrases.

Click on both the buttons, then select #1recovery phrase. Re-confirm all 24 words. Now, your device is ready to use.

Press both the buttons again and access the Dashboard. 


After your device is ready, the next step that you need to take is to install applications. Click on the Ledger Live Manager and pick the applications that you require for the smooth functioning of your تطبيقليدجرنانواكس. On Ledger Nano X you can install up to 100 applications.


How to trun off your تطبيقليدجرنانواكس?

You can switch off your تطبيقليدجرنانواكسby either holding both left and right button at the same time for 3 seconds or by clicking on the Power Off on the control centre. 

Can you have several accounts on the same Ledger Nano X device?

Ledger Nano X device allows its users to set up and access multiple accounts. However, the Pin and recovery phrase would be the same for all the accounts.